Sleep & Settling

Infant and Toddler Sleep & Settling Support

Sleep deprivation and an unsettled baby can be very distressing for families, and knowing about normal infant behaviour can go a long way towards alleviating much of this distress.

At MIWM we believe in gentle sleep and settling methods that will be based on each individual family’s parenting ideals and values. Our approach aims to nourish the parent-infant interaction through rich sensory engagement, close physical and emotional connection and consistent evidence-based advice.

With so much information out there, it can be hard to know which approaches are right for your child when they’re struggling to sleep. This can be incredibly frustrating and overwhelming for all involved, considering every child is different.

We offer a unique approach. Instead of solely focusing on sleep, we consider the whole family unit, your baby’s temperament, sensory preferences, food intake, and individual sleep needs (because not every baby needs long day naps or 12hrs sleep at night!)

Our practitioners are aligned with Neuro-protective Developmental Care (Possums) but will tailor the approach to meet the needs of each unique family.

We aim to assist sleep-deprived parents in a way that actually feels right. We provide only gentle approaches that you will be comfortable with.

Our gentle, whole child approach is just what your little one needs to achieve better sleep so the whole family can thrive!